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We-just-co-op is a cooperative that develops, supports, and promotes technology, knowledge, and tools that make it easy, and affordable for everyone to participate and strive for social justice, freedom, democracy, and the protection of the environment.

We just coop 
is a Cooperative Non-Governmental Organization.

The organization of the enterprise is democratic and the management of the projects in themselves is democratic.

This means that the owner/workers democratically decide who joins and who is expelled from the cooperative or a project, who is to be a project coordinator, what projects are accepted by the cooperatives, the salaries of the worker/owners, and the salaries of the volunteers among other things.


The objectives of the cooperative NGO and therefore of the projects it undertakes are already established:

To develop, support, and promote technology, knowledge, ideas, and tools that make it easy, and affordable for as many people as possible to participate and strive for social justice, freedom, democracy, and the protection of the environment. 

The projects should transcend the local impact that could be achievable by the members of the cooperative, and strive to generate the greatest impact possible that can influence, or be used or applied by as many people as possible around the world, without them necessarily being connected to the coop NGO in any way. 

Each project generated inside or undertaken by the cooperative NGO must strive to accomplish the objectives of the NGO. The projects and the performance of the cooperative NGO all be evaluated according to how efficient its projects are to accomplish its objectives. The proponents of each project have to explain what objective the project is trying to achieve and how it will achieve it. The other members of the cooperative should evaluate the project before accepting it, and when the project is finished evaluate it accordion to the projected results and the objectives of the cooperative.

To Know More about our objectives, Click Here.

To change the objectives of the NGO a consensus of all its members has to be reached. 

To arrive at decisions the process of average democracy will be applied when possible, if it is not possible to use this decision making process then direct democracy by consensus or majority should be used.


Owner workers or any person can propose a project to the cooperative. To be accepted, the project has to have at least a 2/3 majority of approval among the worker-owners.

Project Teams

Every project will have a coordinator for each area of expertise the project needs to succeed. 


For example for the APP: Democracy in your hands, there would be a tech development coordinator, a promotion, marketing, and communication coordinator, a PR coordinator, a financing coordinator, and a legal coordinator. 


Once a project is approved, any worker-owner can postulate themselves to coordinate one of the areas of the project, to get approved to coordination, a 2/3 majority of the other worker-owners are needed. If a coordinator is not found inside the cooperative, a talent search has to be undertaken. Once all the coordinators are found, they will build their teams.

Owner/workers have precedent to be part of a team, if no owner worker has the time, the skills, or the desire to be part of a project, the coordinator will look into the volunteering applications, and only when they find themselves lacking team members with specific skills and talents will they be able to spend time and resources looking for people outside the cooperative and the volunteers.

It is very important that the team members and the participants in the projects have the power to remove a coordinator or a team member. If the volunteers or other workers/owners are not satisfied with the work or competence of a coordinator, they can remove them from their position, even if the coordinator is a worker/owner or if they were the ones to propose the project.


Every team member will vote on the percentage of people needed to demote a coordinator or oust a team member. When they join a team, each person votes on the percentage of team members they think that should be needed to demote or oust a worker or volunteer. 

For example, if a team has 10 persons, and they voted as follows: 

50%, 90%, 60%, 80%, 40%, 80%, 90%, 70%, 100%, 60%

The average will be: 72%

This means that at least 72% of the team members have to vote to remove a team member to be able to demote them or oust them from the team.

The vote to remove a coordinator or a team member is secret.


It is very important to try and generate positive, and caring environments. Because even when people decide to work for the common good, they are living their own life and should have the means and the environment to flourish, to accomplish what they desire, and to have a good time.


The salaries of the people working on the cooperatives will be determined by Average Democracy. Each person that joins a team, be it as a part time volunteer, a full time volunteer on a specific project, or a full time worker/owner of the cooperative, will get to decide the salaries of the participants of the project. 

The people working on the project will be decided by categories depending on the amount of work they have to do, and each person gives an amount they think each category should get.

For example:
Full time coordinator:
Full time worker owner:
Full time volunteer on a specific project:
Part time volunteer on a specific project:

Each member of the team will select their own proposal of the salaries for each category, and every individual’s proposal is averaged to obtain the salary that will be paid.

For example, if a team is composed of 2 people they might decide as follows:

Person 1: 
Full time coordinator: 15 USD the hour
Full time worker owner: 10 USD the hour
Full time volunteer on a specific project: 10  USD the hour
Par time volunteer on a specific project:  5 USD the hour

Person 2:
Full time coordinator: 10 USD the hour
Full time worker owner: 10 USD the hour
Full time volunteer on a specific project: 10 USD the hour
Par time volunteer on a specific project: 8 USD the hour

The answers they gave will be averaged to obtain the salaries of people that participated on the project.

Full time coordinator: 12.5 USD the hour
Full time worker owner: 10 USD the hour
Full time volunteer on a specific project: 10 USD the hour
Par time volunteer on a specific project: 6.5 USD the hour

A volunteer can forfeit his salary if he so wishes to volunteer without pay. If a project or the cooperative doesn't have enough funding to pay all the salaries, the team members might all decide to forfeit their payment; or they can decide to hold the payments of their salaries until the cooperative or the projects have enough funding. This salarie that is not paid, is considered an investment from the workers on the cooperative. When that is decided the cooperative or the project pays its members what is owed plus an interest fee, which is determined using democracy by average. 


We will develop an interface to be used by the members of the coop and the team members of each project so that they can cast and change their vote at any time and any place. Part time volunteers will have access to the interface, and they have the right to use it and vote, however they can decide not to do so. 


For example, if a project needs a voice over of 30 seconds and an actor records and sends the voice over, they will have the right to vote on the salaries and to remove a team member or coordinator. However, they might consider their participation as too small, and might consider they do not know enough to vote. So they can just do the volunteered work, send the voice over and continue with their lives. But if they do wish to do so, they will have the option to see how much everyone is getting paid and to vote on the issues corresponding their project.


The development of the voting interface is one of the first things the cooperative has to do.


Any person can apply to be part of the cooperative, to be accepted as a worker owner a 3/4 majority of the other worker owners have to agree. The same percentage of people will be needed to oust a worker owner from the cooperative; this means that if 3/4 of all the owner workers want to oust someone from the cooperative they can do so, even if that person is the founder.  

Through the interface to which owner workers will have access, they will be able to vote to determine the compensation packages of the people that get ousted of the enterprise. Since the cooperative is a non profit, the ousted person cannot get the value of their shares of the company. But compensation should always be provided. The owner workers will vote to determine such compensation every year.

Inside the Cooperative everyone's vote has the same value, however some owner workers will be coordinators of specific areas, and others will answer to them. 

Other decisions

The worker owners will also have to vote to decide how many hours their work week will have, and the percentage they will charge for over time. How many days of paid vacations they will have, etc.


The cooperative will grow, and it will get more funding, the owner/workers will eventually vote to have benefits such as healthcare, retirement, etc. Any member can propose a new item that should be voted in, however to be officially voted, an item and the way it will be presented for vote, should have the backing of at least 1/3 of the owner workers. This means 1/3 of the owner workers have to agree to vote on the item, once these agreement has been reached, the item in question is presented to the other owner workers who will vote on it.


The percentages needed to accept a cooperative co-owner, to oust them, to approve or demote a coordinator above stated are provisional, and they should also be voted and agreed upon using democracy by average. This will mean that the worker owners will decide themselves what percentage is needed to accept a new owner/worker, what percentage is needed to oust one, and all the other decisions. 


For example, One owner worker might propose that at least 70% of the worker owners have to agree to accept a new recruit. A second worker owner might think that at least 80% is needed. The average of both proposals is 75%, this means 75% of the owner workers will have to agree to accept a new member. 


The worker owners will also have to decide what will happen if they do not have enough funding to pay everyone’s salary. 


Every single cent will be transparent and traceable in the cooperative.

Detailed budgets will be developed at the beginning of a project and they will be updated with the appropriate invoice or receipts and contact information of the people or companies that where  hired.


Any worker owner, any volunteer any donor will have access to the cooperatives and its projects budgets and expenses.


At the end of every project its results are presented to the cooperative’s owner workers, to every volunteer and to the people that donated to the project.


At the end of every project the financing is audited by the financial coordinator of the cooperative.

Available Positions

You can join us from anywhere around the world!

Full-time owner workers:

Digital development project Coordinator, PR and financing Coordinator, Natural science, and environmental research Coordinator, Economy, sociology, and psychology research coordinator, Legal and accounting coordinator


Full-time volunteers on a specific project:

Digital development project Coordinator, PR and financing Coordinator, Natural science, and environmental research Coordinator, Economy, sociology, and psychology research coordinator, Legal and accounting coordinator, Coders, developers, designers, motion graphics and 2d animators, graphic designers, Voice Over actors, videographers, video editors, actors, influencers, marketing creatives, PR agents, lawyers, social science researchers, environmental and natural science researchers, translators, writers.


Part-Time Volunteer on the Coop NGO or a specific project:


Coders, developers, designers, motion graphics and 2d animators, graphic designers, Voice Over actors, videographers, video editors, actors, influencers, marketing creatives, PR agents, lawyers, social science researchers, environmental and natural science researchers, translators, writers.

Select an option


We are very ambitious, we basically want to reorganize society to make it more just, free, democratic and environmentally sustainable. We need resources, if you can donate a couple of dollars, a dozen, a couple of hundreds or thousands we will put them to work to achieve our common objectives.

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